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Introducing Cobalt’s Chief Information Security Officer: Andrew Obadiaru

13. September 2021

cobalt color mark logotype FKkWith 20+ years in the security and technology industry and a history of managing and mitigating risk across changing technologies, software, and diverse platforms, Cobalt is thrilled to have recently welcomed Andrew Obadiaru, Chief Information Security Officer. 

Andrew is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of Cobalt's systems, services and data. With Cobalt as a security and remote-first company, he was eager for the opportunity to step in and create an impact. Continuously evaluating and adopting new technologies and frameworks is an integral part of his journey in the cybersecurity space. Understanding the relevance of these aspects within Cobalt is a motivating factor, with the goal in mind to influence security and design a growth trajectory. more!