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EPA Memorandum Directs Public Water Systems to Survey OT/ICS Cybersecurity

13 marzec 2023

Water is one of the most abundant and precious resources on Earth, yet the increasingly digital and networked operations that supply clean and safe drinking water have experienced some neglect when it comes to modern day cybersecurity best practices. According to the American Water Works Association, the U.S. has approximately 52,000 dispersed drinking water systems, many serving small-to-medium sized communities with a population under 50,000.  

The cybersecurity of public water systems (PWSs) varies and largely depends today on case-by-case evaluations of IT and OT resources – budgets, tools, and personnel. In 2022, government entities and security practitioners began to suggest a path forward for securing the water sector: better understanding of the risk landscape and preparedness of PWSs, public-private cooperation, innovative solutions and increased funding, community commitments and public education. more!