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Securing Operational Technology in Healthcare — Introducing a New Module

17 styczeń 2024

The global healthcare industry is vastly diverse, encompassing areas such as provider services and managed care, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, distributors and facilities, along with supplies and equipment. With that, the digital transformation of healthcare data, remote data interchange and storage, along with the overall medical-related technological advancements have made the industry particularly susceptible to cyberattacks.

In fact, early 2023 research conducted by Check Point revealed that healthcare is one of the top three industries most at risk for cyberattacks. Within the past year, “the healthcare sector experienced a significant rise in attacks with an average of 1,684 attacks per week, marking a substantial year-over-year increase of 22%.” Furthermore, a collaborative effort between Health-ISAC and Booz Allen Hamilton identified and ranked the top five great cybersecurity concerns facing multiple healthcare subsectors for 2022 and 2023 as the following:

  1. Ransomware Deployment
  2. Phishing/Spear-Phishing Attacks
  3. Third-Party/Partner Breach
  4. Data Breach
  5. Social Engineering
How Operational Technology Impacts Healthcare Cybersecurity

While cyber adversaries continue to aggressively target healthcare-related organizations for sensitive and valuable patient and corporate data, the realm of operational technology (OT) has emerged as an area requiring additional safeguarding...Read More!