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Easier Security Management Across Segmented Networks

07 czerwiec 2020

illusive Logo 650Network segmentation—splitting up a network into smaller subnetworks—is a common practice, especially in large organizations. The benefits in segmenting networks include heightened network security, including better privilege management across different departments, isolating a successful attack (or other types of network failures) to a local network, and reduced attack surface, as well as better network performance through reduced congestion (fewer hosts in each subnetwork). Regulatory compliance can be a motivation as well. Additionally, previous mergers and acquisitions often necessitate that networks remain separate.  


Generally subnetworks are divided from each other via firewalls, Access Control Lists and VLANs, with as little connectivity between them as possible. You can read more about network segmentation here.  
This does sometimes present challenges to software providers in determining how to maximize coverage across the entire network environment, without requiring additional maintenance, slower and friction-filled deployment, inefficient and complex management, and higher ongoing costs. Furthermore, an added challenge is ensuring coverage as wide as possible without weakening internal network security controls, such as poking holes in a firewall. more!