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Decoding the Verizon DBIR Report: An Insider’s Look Beyond the Headlines

26 lipiec 2020

VMRay Logo 400x120For the past 13 years, Verizon’s “Data Breach Investigations Report” (DBIR) has been the industry’s definitive resource for documenting and benchmarking the global state of cybersecurity. As always, the Verizon DBIR team does an admirable job of sifting through an impressively large data set to tease out the underlying trends that are driving the market.


But as Miles Davis, the legendary jazz trumpeter, once famously said, “It’s not the notes you play, it’s the notes you don’t play.” In other words, it’s the silence between the notes that enables the listener to interpret and appreciate the music’s deeper meaning and context. When reading a broad industry survey such as the DBIR, it is likewise instructive to look beyond the bolded headlines and ask further questions of the data to best understand the meaning behind these trends. more!