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How to take DevSecOps to the next level: A conversation with SecOps and DevOps leaders from NielsenIQ, ARA Security and Techstrong Group

21. November 2022

OIPThe DevSecOps mindset, “You build it, you run it, you secure it” helps, but only when all teams are empowered with the info they need to see a threat, regardless of where it is. While DevSecOps isn’t a new concept — it dates back to the 70s— a survey of technical practitioners found that nearly a third of respondents don’t know what DevSecOps is.

Further, with the rise of security incidents, the need to be more agile, and digital now business-critical an increasing number of organizations are looing to adopt DevSecOps programs. And yet, there’s an ongoing shortage of cloud security personnel and skills limiting progress. With a lack of developer and engineer buy-in, organizational silos between development, operations, and security remain a challenge. But despite these setbacks, now may be the time to go all-in on the adoption of DevSecOps principles and practices to bake security into the software development lifecycle (SDLC)––we gathered a panel of experts for a DevOps Insight Forum panel discussion to discuss why: more!