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Mastering the 3E Framework: Elevating Your Security by Design Practices

08. April 2024

In today’s digital landscape, the stakes for software security have never been higher. As cyber threats grow more sophisticated, the need for embedding security into the very fabric of software development processes becomes paramount. Security by Design is not merely a best practice; it’s a critical strategy for mitigating risk and ensuring resilience against evolving digital threats. Security Compass, leveraging extensive industry experience and insights, has developed the 3E Framework to guide organizations in seamlessly integrating security into their development lifecycle.

The Imperative of Security by Design

Security by Design transcends the traditional approach of treating security as a peripheral or a final-stage checklist item. It is about proactively identifying and addressing potential security vulnerabilities from the outset of the development process. This preemptive approach not only enhances the security posture of the final product but also optimizes development time and reduces costs associated with post-deployment more!